"Power is not in the thing itself, but in the power of the mind that beliefs in the power of the thing." t.t.
e l'ignara duino si prepara al ritorno del
1 commento:
ha detto...
Hi vega! Nice blog, i quite like the way you write. You seem a person full of desire to express herself, even though sometimes it seems you choke that desire for some strange reason... Anyway, keep it up. I'm sure you'll realize your dreams...
By the way, i hope you won't mind if i link my site here. We're a bunch of people from all around europe, trying to get us known to the world. Our site is http://www.yourowncashtree.com and we're basically trying to get funds to plant trees, plant and flowers all around our cities and countries. Everyone is welcome to partecipate in the project. We don't ask for money straight away - that's only for those who are willing to do so - but we ask people to say around that we exist.
Ok, that's it. I'm sorry for using your blog to talk about our site, but we really believe in our project. I hope you can forgive me ;)
Good luck vega, with your studies and your life. Peace.
1 commento:
Hi vega! Nice blog, i quite like the way you write. You seem a person full of desire to express herself, even though sometimes it seems you choke that desire for some strange reason...
Anyway, keep it up. I'm sure you'll realize your dreams...
By the way, i hope you won't mind if i link my site here. We're a bunch of people from all around europe, trying to get us known to the world. Our site is http://www.yourowncashtree.com and we're basically trying to get funds to plant trees, plant and flowers all around our cities and countries. Everyone is welcome to partecipate in the project. We don't ask for money straight away - that's only for those who are willing to do so - but we ask people to say around that we exist.
Ok, that's it. I'm sorry for using your blog to talk about our site, but we really believe in our project. I hope you can forgive me ;)
Good luck vega, with your studies and your life. Peace.
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