
Chechnya (Russia) - 07.2.2007 allah's lever

from peacereporter.net

A Chechen pensioner rides twelve thousand kilometres towards Mecca.

An incredibly brave Chechen pensioner has ride almost twelve thousand kilometres by bicycle in order to reach Mecca, passing trough Chechenya, Daghestan, Iraq, Israel.
Among the main faith principles quoted in the Koran there is the pilgrimage towards Mecca. It is compulsory at least once in life for every Muslim that has the possibilities, physical or economical, for it.
Dzhanar-Aliev Magomed-Ali, 73, never had the occasion for it because of the atrocious war that is going on in his country since 1994.
He never had enough money for it too, because money, for him and the majority of his fellow citizens, are usually merely enough to survive.
The man had renounce about the pilgrimage already, when a dream suddenly changed his life.
“ Mi mother appeared to me, and she told me to go to pilgrimage”, Dzhanar said. “ In my dram I had explain her that I could not do it, I did not have the way to. But she answered me ‘ you have got a bicycle, haven’t you? Use that!’. So I decided to leave”.
Pilgrim on two wheels: this is how his journey started.
From Urus Martan, few kilometres away from the Chechen capital Grozny, Dzhanar began his trip on an old purple bicycle. He ride for about twelve thousand kilometres in ten weeks, having a tortuous way. He was obliged to change his itinerary several times every time he was pushed back because he had not the required visas.
“ In Iraq I argued with the American troops, they would not let me pass and the even throw my bike down”. It could have gone much worse, considering that in order to reach Mecca he passed trough some of the most dangerous places of the world.
On his bike he had stuck a green sign, the colour of Islam, with the legs of his journey: “Urus Matan - Grozny - Khasavyurt - Makhachkala - Baku - Teheran - Baghdad - Damasco - Mecca - Medina - Jerusalem – Urus Matan”. His dream got real.

Haji Dzhanar. A crowd of relatives welcome the return in Urus Martan of the courageous rider.
From now on he can add to his name “haji”, the appelative that can be used only from those who went in pilgrimage to Mecca.
He is happy but exhausted. While parking his dusty bike in the garden, he told his friends:“It has been a very hard trip. I would not leave anyone free to do it again.”

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Ed eccomi tornato con i miei fantastici commenti (Come promesso).
Ho deciso di commentare questo articolo perchè mi ha particolarmente colpito. La storia è interessante ma sopratutto rappresenta la volontà di una persona di seguira la voce della propia cultura così da sentirsi meglio con se stessi.
Uno splendido esempio nel contesto di un paese, l'Inghilterra, che sta iniziando a sviluppare una fobia verso alcune culture e religioni medio-orientali pur non avendo ella stessa una vera e propia identità nazionale.
Con le sue azioni questa persona ha dimostrato che molte delle azioni o delle esperienze raccomandate nele sacre scritture, in questo caso il Corano, sono perlopiù esperienze che coinvolgono la sfera personale. Probabilmente le persone che raccomandano, nel nome della religione, azioni che coinvolgano altre persone non fanno altro che distorcere i messaggi contenuti nelle scritture stesse.
Ciononostante col suo commento finale , quella persona dimostra un giusto spirito critico nei confronti dell'esperienza stessa, chiedendo agli altri di astenersi dal commetterla perchè molto difficile.
In quanto allo stile di scrittura, come al solito i miei complimenti. Veloce ed enfatico nei punti giusti, fa intendere, come un buon articolo dovrebbe sempre fare, quali sono passaggi chiave nel contesto di questa storia e così si può ricavarne da essa.

wilwarin vega ha detto...

peccato che non l'abbia scritto io^^
pero' lo sai gia' che ti eri confuso...
eh eh

D. Cano ha detto...

Hey, its a shame so much of your blog is in italian i was so interested to read it! Oh and about the place in shoreditch with the trains, they have started working on them already, all the seats have been ripped out and theyre making them into studios. i managed to catch some people working there and they let me in and up a ladder to have a look.